Sunday, February 24, 2013

Cherry Blossom, the land of the rising sun – JAPAN; the teenage dream destination

Every time when I saw the pictures when spending a studied life in Osaka, Japan – it makes me feel like I’m going back to a 16 teenager again.

Katagiri Junior High School is where my friend and I were having fun there for 2 months. The school locates in the area of Nara district, Osaka. My friend attended in the Japanese major class which now she is a Japanese teacher in the high school of her home town. In the meantime, I was not as good as her; I decided to attend in the English class instead. 2 months of unforgettable memories, 2 months of welcoming Japanese friends – we were the talk of the town for a month. Everything we did would be secretly announced across room by room. I was really amazed about Japanese girl’s bags, it’s such a big more than the carriers but books, sport uniforms, pens, everything about school were in their rockers. In the bag – hair spray, combs, mascara, eye shadow were found in it. 


The Japan’s railways are one of the best transportations in the world and safety. We caught the train to school every day with one Japanese friend, Mashimo. She lived near us and studied at the same school but different class. She loved to learn Thai with us and really took a good care of us; prepared lunch boxes, bought the train tickets, and so many stuff. We lived in Japanese family of father, mother, and daughter home; it was really small for 5 people in that home. The father is a teacher and used to teach in Thailand for a few months so he quite understood bit of Thai. As the tradition of the country, when we left the home we had to say “ITTEKIMASU” means “I leave now” and “TADAIMA” said when arrived home.

One day the school had a trip to go the Universal studio; the theme park is located in Osaka and reached the milestone of attraction the first 10 million visitors faster than any other theme park in the world.


One of the weekends, the father took us to a Buddhist Temple in the city of Nara – Kofuku-Ji. The temple is one of the eight historic sites of Ancient Nara, it has guaranteed by the UNESCO World Heritage list. Along the city, another ancient temple of UNESCO lists – Todai-Ji is home to the world’s largest bronze statue of the Buddha Vairocana.

The next day, we went to one of the heart cities in Japan – Osaka. Briskly thought of shopping was the first thing came up into our mind but we decided to go to the Osaka Castle first. The castle was found since 16th century of the Azuchi – Momoyama period. It offers the history of the region and panoramic views of Osaka city. And finally, we went to the city square with across the castle. 

Japan, I'm thinking of you and I don't know what to do. Because I've got a picture of you in my heart and a vision of you in my arms. I want to go back to the start when you captured my soul - I MISS JAPANESE STUFF!!!

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